• +30 210 2487344
  • info@atmacom.gr

Contact us

21, Acharnon str, Ano Liosia, 133 41 / Athens, Greece +30 210 2487344 atmacomsa@gmail.com

Atmacom certifications Certificates: ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 18001:2007 / ISO 14001:2004 Tested according: DIN EN 1176-1:2008 / DIN EN 1177
Recycled SBR Rubber Granules
Recycled SBR Rubber Granules
Atmacom is highly experienced in producing high quality SBR Rubber Granules through modern processes. Our granules have 99.9% purity and are free of heavy metals, linen, lead, zinc etc.
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AtmaSafePlay playground tiles
AtmaSafePlay Rubber Flooring Tiles
AtmaSafePlay flooring tiles are soft, flexible, elastic and comfortable. Bumps and falls are elementary part of the learning process. Now, children are bound to fall from sliders or horizontal bars, can crawl to the ground or even hit on it without any risk.
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